This blurry picture is of a blank wall in our dining room… and the bottom line is…I need to fill it with something. I know its not completely blank, I do have an iron wall art up…but it needs furniture!!!
I used to have to study desk below the wall art, but now its been moved closer to the window and very soon it's going to be out of the dining room.
So getting back to furniture, I saw a beautiful antique display cabinet on gumtree and we went to see it yesterday.
I just love the detailing on it!
And I'm happy to say we bought it! Woohoo!
Now, I just have to arrange for delivery, clean it, sand it down, paint the piece, seal it and arrange and display all my crystals and vintage items and plan a dinner party to show it off. Right!
Step 1: Pick A Colour
Choices choices choices…I went through a lot of colours on Pinterest…and narrowed down on a few…
Light aqua blue…
So decision time…
and I'm thinking white!
Since the dining room isn't that big, it's a good thing the display cabinet has a mirrored back.
My inspiration would have to be these 2 lovely examples…
Yes, I think let's keep it simple and white!
Lets see what happens! I might just change my mind last minute! I'll keep you updated on my progress!