Monday, 6 January 2014

Blog Neglect and a Giveaway!

I  know, I know…I should get the award for BLOG NEGLECT! I'm so sorry but the truth is I have been really busy with my Interior Design course, designing new tags for my Etsy shop and filling orders. But I hoping I can make it up to you with a Pre - Valentine's Day Giveaway and a promise to be more regular on the blog.

So here are the details of the Giveaway:

Valentine’s Day Giveaway 
What you win? An assortment of gift tags as shown in the picture below! These clay tags are not only to tie onto a present - they can also be a gift on their own for someone special.

To enter the giveaway you have to do all 3:
 like our page :
 share & like the giveaway post on your page
 comment on post : What has been your best Valentine’s Day gift? (Gifted or Received)

Giveaway closes on 11th Jan. Giveaway open to all! Winner will be announced on 12th jan on  
So make sure you check back! 

Good Luck!

I promise to be back with new DIY projects completed or started over the holiday period.

Good luck with giveaway!


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