Thursday, 1 December 2011

My first project !

My first project was to hang a few pictures to start on the French theme.

I did a bit of research and found that actual French posters cost a bomb to buy and even more to professionally frame!!! And since I had a budget to stick to I could not spend it all on French vintage posters. Instead I decided to put the colour printer to some good use. I brought some recycled paper from OfficeMax….ivory or parchment are two good colours to use, to make the prints look vintage! I searched the web for some period prints and came up with a few that were high resolution. (Try to make sure that the pictures/prints are copyright and royalty free! A good website to use is Once I had a few pictures that I liked, I printed them out on the recycled paper.

Next step was to stake out a few op shops or salvos for vintage wooden frames…..(if nothing catches your fancy IKEA frames are always good). I picked mine up from IKEA, white and black . Initially I had thought of adding a coat of paint to the frames and distressing them to make them look vintage but in the end I decided not to. The black frames make the colourful prints pop and white frames with sepia or black and white prints look divine! All that was left was to frame the prints! Easy! The hardest part was choosing where to put them up. They all looked so good that in the end we decided to make a feature wall.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


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