Friday, 15 June 2012

Product Launch Series Part 2

Hi there...I know I have been MIA for a whole week....I have a good reason...I have been ill for the past week with the flu. But today I dragged myself out of bed to write a post. Finally...!!!!

Following are pictures of a set of chairs I painted. They'll be available at the product launch. I love their simple design. So country so chic!

Colour...Antique white, lightly sanded.

A rustic bed bench...

Wooden Bookcase

Set of 6 "Provincial" placemats...

Set of 4 placemats

Thanks so much for stopping by! And don't forget to check out the eBay link:


1 comment:

  1. Those chairs look great! I'm going to Google + this post right now.

    Thanks for linking up to Say G'day Saturday. This week's post is now live so I hope that you can join in again this weekend!

    Take care and I'm glad you are feeling better!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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