Thursday, 26 April 2012

Another Cushion & Our Living Room Pictures

An yet another cushion for the living room....I'm quite proud of this one... :)
Made from calico...hand-painted silhouette. Easy project...the stitching took the longest...

Tip: make sure you slip a magazine or cardboard into the cushion cover before you paint to stop the paint from bleeding onto the back.

That's our living's quite cosy (by which I mean small)...however the light and neutral colours and the big windows with plenty of natural feels very light and airy. Seriously the pictures don't do justice to the room.

Candlestand...bought at a flea was a bright golden colour till yesterday...white washed and lightly sanded she now has a new life! Some new crystals and she's all dressed up!

 My other 'picture' cushion!

Thanks for stopping by!!! Lots more on the way!!!!



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