Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Some Exciting News!!! And a Message/Mood Board!!!

Hi All

I know again I have been MIA from blogland! But... I have some exciting news. 

La Maison Jolie products are now officially being stocked at Castille De Fleur...a beautiful store! Photo frames and wooden decorative signs!!! I couldn't be more excited!!!

There are more variations that I'm making for Castille De Fleur! So watch this space. I'm so excited!!!

Now for a fun message/ mood board that I made last week. I think I have fallen in love with burlap....the colour, texture and versatility of this fabric has completely got me hook, line and sinker!!!


A metre of burlap, a cork board, some twine and pins...and  voilĂ ... a mood/message board! I added the small drawings of the Eiffel Tower....freehand with a sharpie pen, a few of my favourite pictures and clicked away. 

Thank you all for your lovely comments on all my posts so far and I hope you will keep visiting!



  1. Congratulations! You must be soooo excited to see your work in a boutique! Love the message board. ~ Maureen

  2. I love the texture and feel of it! And seriously, a freehand drawing - really pretty!


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