Wednesday 6 July 2016

Preparing for the Summer!

On a scale of 1 - 10 how important is a beautiful front or backyard or both with a lush lawn and well landscaped plants? Very important...right? Whether it's winter or summer, a well maintained garden is always a delight to entertain or relax in. 

In Australia, we're in the midst of winter and though we've received some rainfall, it is not entirely practical to rely on rainfall alone to irrigate the garden and keep the plants looking healthy. 

There is an efficient and economical solution. A good quality and well designed water reticulation system will ensure that water is supplied at optimum levels and timely manner to the garden keeping it looking lush all year round. A water reticulation system is a network of pipes laid out under the soil or mounted on the surface which distributes water optimally throughout the garden.

During the summer months, the Australian sun can be very harsh, temperatures can sky rocket and scorch valuable plants and kill the lawn. Many plants also require watering several times throughout the day to withstand the heat. Meanwhile, water conservation and minimising water wastage also becomes a priority during this time. 

In this case, a reticulation system which accurately controls watering cycles is the most efficient way of watering the garden. The best time to start thinking about getting an irrigation system installed, repaired or overhauled is during winter months before rainfall starts to dwindle as we move into spring and summer. TLC Reticulation offer reticulation repairs in Perth along with installation of new watering and irrigation systems that your garden will greatly benefit from. 

According to Retic Perth, a professionally designed and installed system can help cut down on the fertilising costs and also save you money on the water bill. Additionally, an automatic full coverage water reticulation system means that even when you go on vacation, the garden will still get watered!

A professionally installed watering system is an asset and apart from keeping the lawn looking green and luxuriant, it greatly increases property value by enhancing curb appeal. Something to definitely keep in mind if you are planning on selling in the coming months or something to have on the checklist if the property you are interested in buying has a large lawn, front garden and big backyard. Research has shown that a well-maintained lawn can add up to 10% to your property value!

Moreover, since being waterwise is important, using a durable and well designed professional water reticulation system can minimise wastage and help conserve one of our planet's most precious resources - water!

It's a good time to start thinking about garden maintenance and water conservation now, so that come summer, you can just kick back, relax and enjoy the great outdoors!

Till next time...
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This post is sponsored by TLC Reticulation. They provide Irrigation & Reticulation Repair Services in Perth, WA. See more about them hereIf you were inspired by this post, please feel free to share it with your friends and family and give us a shout on Instagram or Facebook!


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    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment and readership! Do keep reading! :) xx Rani


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